A huge thank you to all the Kickstarter backers!

The list below is a record of the Legends and Heros of the Kickstarter campaign. All hail these brave and beautiful backers, may their names go down in history.

The Legendary!

Ashley Lewis-

"Good luck on each of your adventures!"

The heroes!

Matt Moore-

"Boldness has Genius, Power, and Magic in it. -Goethe"

Luke Parsons-

"The usual time, 20:00, Friday."

Ralston Hough-

"You don’t really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck, just for your sole benefit?"

Adam Gubman and Moonwalk Audio-

"Imagine the sound of your world!"

Josh Doncevic-

"I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust."

Erik Lords-




Kirsty and Zak Francis-Greenacre-

"Forever as one"

Nomad Archery-

"Happy Shooting!"


"Not all who wander are lost"


"Keep creating. "

Key Maker

Brandon De VITO-

"Create all that you Love."

Jae Lerer-

"Hell, my tumor was scarier than them. "

Christopher Covert-

"Never go in with a plan, but always have a strategy. "


"It's time to toss the dice"


"Every cloud has a silver lining."


"For the Solum Harvister"


"I love my cat Loaf"

Tom Williams-

"Go for the eyes boo"

Mark Haldane-

"The dice have been drinking."

Jonathan Wagner-

"Wait, the kobold did what?"

James & Maggie Barden-

"Rollin 6 ..."


"A wise old man once told me something, but I forgot it."

Cody Hertel-

"Don't let Perfect be the enemy of Good."

Charles Shepard-

"Only the strongest steel is forged in the fires of Hell."

Rohnak Sharma-

"Be a cool character wherever you go!"

Daniel Gonsalves-

"Not every battle can be won but that doesn’t always mean you should run from it"

Dallas Crow-

"Because every adventure starts with you <3"

Arthur L. Hart-

"see I jumping!"

Robert Rowe-



"we make the world we live in."

Terry Wilson-

"Never put yourself down. There’s plenty of people who will do that for you. :("

Christian Lindke-

"Shut Up Evil!"

Hannah Wheeler-

"This plan is foolproof, nothing could possibly go wrong!"

The Disciples of  Cheezerz-

"Praise Cheezerz"

Joshua Smith-

"If you fear failure, you will never succeed"

Phillip C. Meints-

"Happy to bring this to market!"

Vincent Winqvist-

"Nothing is more powerful than a story."





Russell “Snugglybeast” Hoffman-

"Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes!"

Don Torres - DonsArtNGames-

"The only limit is your imagination... and your willingness to actually do it. "

Jason Gifford-

"You need a quote?"

Jade Regina Gofourth-

"Keep your feet on the ground while you reach for the stars. "

Michael 'Kane' Reinhart, Thomas Bock-

"Vielen Dank an unsere Familien!"

Adam Abwat-Johnson-


Tamarin Crestwood-

"Owner Of The Gracious Moon Tavern & Creator Of Tamarin's Majestic Bubbles see on D&D Beyond!"

Michael C. O'Connor-

"When the GM smiles it is already too late."


"Truly the greatest to play the sport"

Gordon Milner-

"If there is any kind of supreme being, it is up to all of us to become its moral superior."

Brett Bozeman-

"No matter where you go....."

Richard Patterson-

"The possibilities are as endless as your imagination."


"All in a good day's work!"

Gary Jewell-

"'Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.' - Neil Gaiman"


"Ich bin heut so motiviert, ich könnte Bäume ansehen!"

Evan Riley-

"Which direction is Weast?"

Stephen M Accetta-

"May the wind ever be at your back."

Jonathan Fellion-

"'Freedom is not free...'  Thank a Veteran for your freedoms today.  Guard them with your life...there are people who take them for granted and others who wish to dematerialize them."

Shane 'Roake' Farr-

"I drank what?"

Ryan Whitcomb-


Trista Furches-

"Always remember to love yourself above all else. "


"We shall not kill and maybe next time we even won't."


"Carry on my wonderful friends "


"Making maps for our DND group: NaturalHavoc on twitch."

Christoph Sachal-


The Longier-

"Try not to burn it down faster than I can map it"

Neil Robinson-

"Aw shucks. I don't have any quotes. "

Francesco Mauro (FR4NC35C0)-



"New Worlds New Adventures await!"

JoAnn Knowles-

"I’m here, you’re here. What’s the worst that could happen?"


"In doubt, fire is the solution."

Chris Wittich-

"Keep being awesome!"


"Dragon Map Maker is a lifesaver for campaign design!"

Derpy Unicorn-

"Remember to Derp around in life, you will never be lost then."

Marvin J.-

"Hic sunt dracones"

Tor Oscar Worren-

"I'm not lost, I'm exploring... "

Fabrice Gatille-

"Happy to help creators"

Dexter Cobble Stevens-

"You can always find the world within."

Hex Flareheart-

"Donuts are delicious."


"Remember to always add that little extra thing to your maps that makes them uniquely yours :)"

Mike 'Diz' Reyes-

"Oh no, not again..."

Jose Rodriguez-

"Thanks to all who made this possible!"


"Looking forward to doing fantastic work with this. "

D. Richard Embrey

Andrea Chandler-

"Hello! My name is Inigo Montoya. You did 2d6+4 damage to my father. Prepare to make a saving throw."

Conor Ford-

"'The most dangerous phrase in the English language is 'we've always done it this way' - Grace Hopper"

Peter Dale (Stordarth)-

"You don't need a pretty map to know where you're going... but it definitely helps!"

Gary Nichols-

"A Solo Adventurer"

Joshua Hochstetler-

"There is no life I know/To compare with pure imagination"

Pierre Kleindl-


Min 'Demonskunk' Lungelow-

"I make TTRPGs! Check out Demonskunk Studios!"

John Thiede-

"Now I am become live, the creater of worlds."

Solomon Foster-

"Wi' usquabae, we'll face the devil!"


"For the black compagny !"

Janna Jacqueline Leah Morris-

"Love your bad rolls!"

Dmitry K-

"Don't get me started on Medicine skill"


"The role of the GM is challenging. It takes a lot of time and a whole lot of effort, but it is one of the most rewarding experiences anyone can have."

Caleb kippin-

"Get your head out of reality and into the world of imagination!"

Kristin DiLorenzo-

"Dream, not of what you are, but of what you want to be,"


"Little Goblin"

Forging Farrir Podcast-

"High quality actual play - www.forgingfarrir.co.uk"


"the gobelin"

Robert Mayer-

"Have fun, don't compare yourself to anyone."


"go to the battle!"

Parson Gleam-

"Well you see, the thing about good business is that it leads to more good business. That's why you start business how you intend to finish. And that's why you make little investments into good business."

ASM the Magnificent-

"Are we there yet?"

Nico Feiertag-

"If you do everything right nothing can go wrong."

Robert Morgan-

"May the rolls be ever in your favor."


"tough times never last only tough people last"

Craig Cameron-

"How exciting to be able to create the world in my imagination into maps my players can be part of. "

Alexander Ricks

Martin Astaire-


Chris Cantrell-

"I came I saw I Conquered... but only for the weekend."

Alexandre Beyls-

"Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness."


"Never forget your towel."

Jessie Campos-

"We’re all stories in the end… Just make it a good one."


"Congrats Dragon Map Maker Team"

Maximiliano Martinez-

"Workers of the world, unite!"

Richard Henson-

"Keep the fantasy alive "

Dustin Stone + Starr Darby-

"All good heroes need a even greater sidekick."

Rufus TD Cat-


Kevin Farmerie-

"For The Goose"


"The Dice Are Killing Me!"

Jason Landwehr-

"Here there be Monsters..."

Greg Miranda-

"Stay on target"


"I love life. I love fun. I want to live my life in a hamburger bun."

Chris 'Ronin7477' Bouten-

"Think positive, speak positive, live positive, be positive. The successful never quit, Live life to the fullest,  120mph..... "

Tim 'Aardvark' Meakins-

"A DM's plans never survive the first encounter with the players..."

Aaron Pyciak-

"Map making is cool!"

Eon from Adnea Adventures-

"These Myths are Legend! "


"A story requires the ones, who listen."

Kahn Drasari-

"Build it and they will come!"


"Happy Mapping - Elmshorn 2022"


"GM: Are you sure you don't want to check for traps?"

Christopher 'Snootch' Rush-

"Let's go Brandon!"

Henrik Gjerp-

"The Lord of Eat beckons..."

Eriol Fox-

"Great maps and good games to all."

Rob D G-

"We keep memories."

Jonathan Diehl-

"You are your greatest asset."


"let's roll !"

David L Crooks Jr-

"A thing worth doing is worth overdoing."

austin fisher-

"hopefully this helps get the maps out of my head and onto roll20 for that sweat sweat TPK lol"

Gordon Burroughs, II-

"'Get busy living, or get busy dying.' - Andy Dufresne, Shawshank Redemption, (Stephen King)"

Connor 'Exerien' Coatman


"This space left intentionally blank."

George 'Arc Rune' DeArment-

"Always remember the journey taken thus far."

Justin 'Doychi' Deutsch-

" A picture is worth thousand words"

René Jensen-

"You're good Ash, I'm bad Ash, Dr. Ash"

Jon Mines-

"aka Moloch, jack of all trades, master of none"

Lewis Colau-

"Never split the party. Always go left. Gank the mage first!"

Jay Rockwater-

"Build something worth being the subject of your friend's memories."

William Dockendorf

Ian 'Keldon' Porter-

"Map maker apprentice"

April Lynne 'Sunraiser' Robichaud-

"There is no fate but what you make for yourselves. I am the master of my fate. I am the Captain of my soul."


"You don't need a reason to help people "

Roy A.

Ryan Alexander-

"A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. - Joseph Campbell"

Michelle Scarlett-

"Play on!"

Jörgen & Leila Björk-


Gabriel Paranhos da Costa

Gary N. Hauger-

"You only live once, so make everyday an adventure."

Xavier Binkley-

"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."

Ben Whatley-

"For Etura"

Jason Pallas-

"Never too late to start. "

Kev Sutton-

"What? It was only a small fireball..."

Mike McFarland


"DnD is like love, if you put effort in it, it can be beautiful."


"Teach a fish, eat to man. Today, teach man to every day."


"Game On"


"Let them hate so long as they fear"

Sherrod Mullins-

"When life gives you lemons be thankful it didn’t give you rocks."

Julien McComb-

"Thanks for sharing this dream with us."


"Remember, no matter where you go, there you are. "

Kevin Hess-

"Let's roll the dice !!!"

Dan W-

"Mapping happens

Oliver Kempf-

"Let there be ......something?!?"

Harry O'C-

"When life gives you Nat 1s, fudge your roll."

Wes Anderson-

"It’s a hippogryph!"

The Onion Soup-

"Dm of Natural Havoc on twitch"

Jeroen Berkvens-

"If it is worth doing, it is doing wel. But if it needs to be done, it needs to be done on time."

Michael A. Dieffenthaller-

"Curiosity is a necessity for the heart and mind. "

Derek Colanduno -

"Skepticality "

Shelby Mehl

Matt Dex-

"Wait, that isn't a star... THAT'S A METEORITE, RUN!"

Kai Charles Rose-

"For all intents and purposes, Jarlaxle is a girl boss."


"Living the GM life"

Katherine and Matthew Franklin-

"We're bad at thinking up quotes."

Paul A. Smith"

"A good map may lead to a good game. Try it."

Ben P. Balestra-

"Maps are where it all begins.  "



Eric Baugh-

"Looking forward to the future of DMM!"

Daniel Dickerson-

"See, mom? I told you my name would be in the credits of something cool one day!"

John Sexton-

"Maps truly are a wonderful thing. Some may say, they help  you find your way."

Dean Glover-

"Bring me a shrubbery!"

Christopher John 'Sans' Boillot-

"< This Space for Rent >"

Alex MacCumber-

"Time to delve into dungeons undiscovered"

Demon Rozetta-

"Dreams are an illusion of the existence of our alternate selves within the multiverse of infinite possibilities"

William Payne-

"Apathy is death. "

Michael Koch-

"Don't panik, it's just me."

JP Leblanc-

"Troops of Doom"

Stephen Shaw-

"Happy to be part of this. "

Julian H.-

"Here's to the bards!"

Alexander Stork-

"Never split the party"

Ryan Johnson-

"Roll For Initiative!"

Zoltan Deathspawn-

"'What could possibly go wrong?'"

Mighell Botting-

"Cool Beans"

Kjrk L-

"You're welcome everybody else."

Richard Schafer-

"Blood makes the grass grow! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Vance Galland-

"Happiness is Gaming with Family"

Sophia Pearson-

"Hold my ale while I cast that spell!"

Daisy Woerlee-

"Don’t you know that everybody’s got a Fairyland of their own?"

Markus Blackhand-

"I'm not a lich, I'm just dead."

Philip Patch-

"Sometimes a room is just a room"

Jacob Bryant-

"Gamer Dad"

Scharage and Tsarua"-

"Strahd awaits new chambers"

Rodney Covey-

"Focus less on the action and more on the interaction."

Sarah and Jack VZ-

"Long live Ormsbee!"

Dave Pierce-

"Mountains aren't just funny, they are hill areas. "


"The only good goblin's a dead goblin; now let's make these goblins good!"

Yéné Yach Nixo-

"Glory to Bacchus"

Algahst Trintavon-

"To live in the past is to neglect the present and forsake the future. Look forward and smile, you wear it well."

Aaron Borkgren-


Chris Zazzetti-

"You've had $80,000 worth of cartography lessons... get us a channel to the ocean.

Okay... well Obviously this blue part here is the land. "

Thomas Volz




"Do not breathe the applesauce through your nose, it makes you cough. "

Lee Lawson-

"In memory of Jason Hudson"

Katrina G.-

"Try. The worst that’ll happen is you’ll mess up."

Mike Alianello-

"Even the doors are in triplicate!"

Ken Sanders-

"Never give up. Never surrender!"

Joshua Boydstun-

"I am here to make some maps!"

The Wayfinders Guild-

"We can't wait to use these maps on our show!"


"Foundry VTT in one sentence: there is a module for that..."


"hand over all the cheese you goblins "


"You would like to do What with Whom?  Weird.  Ill allow it"

Dennis 'DasDeX' Beyer-

"...warum liegt denn hier Stroh rum?"

Jorge Palanca-

"If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?"


"Make Love, not War!

The Amazing FrierFly-

"I will be using this software to create all my maps for Shard Tabletop VTT!"

Kai Passchier-

"If you don't know, what to do, roll a die."

gamegenaral / Dark Iron Wolf-

"'Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher.' - Albert Einstein"


"Imagine a better world, then create it!"

Andrea Contu-



"'Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the war room.' -Dr. Strangelove"